Sunday, September 07, 2008

Green Eggs & Ham by Dr. Seuss

if i did spoil your ktv experience due to my outburst yesterday , i apologize for all the inconvenience caused for ruining your pleasant saturday afternoon. care to 批斗 荷兰村之辱?

On a separate note, if you have the chance, try watching I am Sam. Sean Penn as a mentally challenged father who tries to raise his daughter in his own way has earned my respect. I cant believe i took so long to watch this masterpiece.

Before I go, if you can choose your favorite retard in entertainment, who will you choose, Hoffman's Rainman, Penn's Sam or Christopher's Ah Hock?

Well, I'll personally go for Andrew Seow's 答滴. (答滴!我要特答滴!)

And that's it for this week before I start planning how to tear out 荷兰村之辱's guts. All the best for the week ahead, dear fans.

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