Sunday, October 14, 2007

Procrastination is a SIN

Let's face it, how many of us just like to procrastinate? Does it feel good to procrastinate? Certainly it does! Because we will get to rest, enjoy some free time etc etc....But wait, what will happen? At the end of the day, you still need to get the job done! So you have shorter time to do the same task!

Why do we want to procrastinate? I believe it its because we have this fear in us, the fear of failure. So, in order to avoid confronting this feeling, we procrastinate in the hope that we can delay the confrontation. Come'on, be confident! Why must you run away from the reality! Get the job done! And do it well!

So, get your ass off the chair and start doing the things that you have been procrastinating for some time now!