Thursday, May 29, 2008

Guess Who's Back

Hi Fans,
I am back here in Singapore and everything seems so foreign to me now...after 5 days in HK/Macau, I think I have fallen in love with the two Special Administrative Regions...well, not so for Macau.

Hong Kong is definitely a fun place to be and the people there certainly know how to enjoy themselves. With a population of 7.5 million, there are heads everywhere. Well, who cares?

Gonna keep this short as my Co-editor is rushing off for an appointment (No we don't co-habitat), and I will update you guys again when the pictures are ready. Bye.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Welcome back, my co-editor. Just to show my euphoria, cya at Mandai

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Accuracy of Death - Sweet Rain

Adapted from the bestselling novel by Kotaro Isaka “The Accuracy of Death”. Chiba (Kaneshiro) is one of the many reapers who are sent to observe and make contact with humans who are nearing their ends, before deciding whether to proceed or to forsake the entire ‘reaping’ procedure. He wears white gloves to prevent himself from getting into embarrassing situations. He abhors the rain, which pours whenever he is on the job. He loves music of all genres and loves staking out in the local music store, sashaying to the jarring noise even. He speaks to a black dog who is apparently his supervisor. And most importantly, he is realllllllllllll charming.

From the unpolished days of Chungking Express to the goofy days of Anna Magdalena, Takeshi Kaneshiro has indeed gone a long way. Apart from this striking features and abundance of good looks (and genes) which is always the highlight of ANY review, his acting skill has improved leaps and bounds over the years. He was convincing in taking up different personae within the three inter-connected stories of a twenty seven year old telephone operator desperate to cling onto life; a forty year old yakuza boss clinging onto life and lastly how a seventy year old hairstylist clings onto her remaining lifetime. Yes, it’s not a typo error, the common denominator is how individuals of different ages and social classes reflect upon their life as it draws closer to the end. This is a film that will keep you thinking about how you wish your life would turn out to be. Should it remain mediocre as it is now? Or should you make it exceptional, by grasping onto something that you really adore? Or just make it outright brilliant by doing something in your wildest, boldest dream? The role of Chiba gathers the different viewpoints of the various protagonists in the stories and giving the viewer an opportunity to ponder about his/her life. Nevertheless, Kaneshiro’s on-screen presence is immense and I truly enjoyed the way he played Chiba to perfection. I could feel the admiration which my fellow movie buff held for the impeccable Takeshi Kaneshiro, declaring her silent but utmost affection for this on-screen God with stunning good looks and remarkable charisma. I could even hear her heart pumping and her holding to the edge of her seat whenever he came on screen, where he smiles in the silliest manner but could still swoop any woman off her feet. Well, I wish I could be him. (Yah right hahahaha)

If you are watching this film alone, I am sure there will be a lot of emotions evoked. But who watches movies in the theaters alone nowadays(well..)? As for myself, I started to think about what happiness constituted and how one grapples with the idea of life itself. Without being too emo, this film works on several levels and is a movie that would probably stick in your head for several months before you move on to Kaneshiro’s new film The Battle of the Red Cliff. Nevertheless, it remained a little too shallow for the big screen as it resembled three little segments of a mini-series where footage for the first few minutes of the three segments being almost uncannily similar. To make it clearer, an example would be to think of the TV series Heroes where the initial minutes always repeat the same footage (“PREVIOUSLY IN HEROES….”). Well at least this is what I thought.

Nevertheless, once again, with the right company and the right mindset, the film can be a treat for the movie goer. I am so going to rummage for old copies of Kaneshiro's old films in my cupboard! 3.8/5

Hi fervent and ardent fans out there ,

If you are sick and tired of my posts and craving for my counterpart's quirky and delightful posts, please be patient and wait for another forty eight- hours. My co-editor is currently in Hong Kong, or otherwise known as the Pearl of the East, on a trail that has never before been covered by any sane man. Straight from the horse's mouth, he has promised to unravel the truth behind Mou Gan Dou or popularly known as Infernal Affairs by covering every inch where the filming was conducted, in an attempt to a create a new perspective of looking at our favorite movie.

So do check back soon for the latest and most unpredictable posts by our very own in-house poser, Mr You.

Sunday, May 25, 2008


the next time you spend your money on a pack of cigarettes; taking a cab home when you could take a public bus or spend lavishly on wants than needs, think of the victims of the Sichuan earthquake and Cyclone Nargis. I myself is guilty of that, failing to recognize how blessed i am born in this part of the world and fortunate to live in such a comfortable manner.

Over the past few days, I caught a number of documentaries featuring the Sichuan victims. Though most stories are that of death and loss, there were many remarkable stories of the victims trying their best to stay alive. One woman swallowed a ring on her finger so as to force rescuers to save other people in need; another man managed to survive for 73 hours under tons of debris before succumbing barely minutes after he was saved. I am not made of stone. Within a span of a few days, I teared twice, failing to control the overwhelming grief that I feel for the victims of this unfortunate disaster. It is a great loss to China and the rest of the world. I cannot understand why despite such tragedy, people continue to associate this disaster as punishment for Beijing's policy towards Tibet. Rather, we should not associate the earthquake with politics. Look at the people who perished, with their homes lost. Put yourself in their shoes, what would you do if you lost your loved ones overnight, homes destroyed and future becoming bleak.

Rest in peace, my fellow Chinese. You will stay forever in our hearts.

Friday, May 23, 2008


在人生的旅途中,往往能够结交到数不尽的朋友与同僚。试问在这尘嚣当中,究竟有几个能成为无所不谈,坦诚相对的知心知己? 上学时的死党,工作中的伙伴与玩闹时的同伴当中,到底有几个是您毫无戒心, 毫无保留的知己?随着时间的摧残,人与人之间的真诚与信任往往都烟消云散。时间是残酷的,它能把一切都毁灭,包括所谓的友谊和不切实际的情感。

当你做任何抉择时,至少对我而言,最重要的是对得起身边的人, 不是任何一切都是以你个人为中心。正所谓:道不同,不相为谋。 是否已经到了无法挽回的局面? 我对友情这两个字的定义,也要随着社会的概念去改变。 就像世上所有的一切,情义绝对是不会永久的。

套句老话:知人知面不知心,劝你交友要小心。 简单的几个字,却是如此贴切的大智慧。

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Back from the Dead

And you thought I had bite the dust?

Damn wrong you were.

I'm back.

Here's the story so far, I was puzzled to hear the allegations made against Mr Hew within this span of ten days. Even my personal bodyguard/guide/tuk tuk driver questioned me about the allegations in Cambodia (ah lah) I could only smile at him, barely retaining my reputation through the silence that followed. Even though my personal bodyguard/guide/tuk tuk driver drove me around and explained in simple English about the origins of the brilliant Angkor Wat with its looming temples and detailed inscriptions cast upon by the bloody sun, I could barely concentrate out there. Words and descriptions only do injustice to the magnificence of the structures. Even so, my mind lingered around the accusations my poor friend had to handle back in Singapore.

I travelled around Cambodia, from Siem Reap to the capital, Phnom Penh, in order to confuse the authorities who were hot on my tail. By the 3rd day, I was wandering on the streets of the capital and stumbled upon the Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum, which was a former high school that was used by the Khmer Rouge regime as a prison: the buildings were enclosed in electrified barbed wire, the classrooms converted into tiny prison and torture chambers, and all windows were covered with iron bars and barbed wire to prevent escapes. I shuddered at the thought of being held captive in this institute. With some leverage over the pursuing police, I also managed to make my way to Choeung Ek, a memorial, marked by a Buddhist stupa, for the victims of the genocide (which inspired The Killing Fields film). Once again, a detour was made following Phnom Penh to the beaches of Sihanoukville, where many tourists and locals alike flocked on the beach like how ants make merry while frolicking over slops of honey. I spent a day there in front of the beach in self reflection and how I was to right the wrong in Singapore.

Powerless to join in the merry making lest the beach patrol notice my presence, i travelled by bus (12-hour ride, mind you) to Bangkok and settled in Khao San, a bustling night haven for tourists from all around the world. Fed on the constant staple of fried rice, pad thai, beer and massages, I got comfortable there. Too comfortable. I was nearly busted by the cops at Khao San for haggling with shop owners over T-shirts which barely cost several dollars. I escaped from the cheap guest-house which i was held captive and made my way back to Singapore via illegal means.

I met up with my counterpart right after landing and have understood the situation of how he was wrongfully accused. I am back. Whoever you are, San Tiao Zanji, I swore to hunt you down(like how I hunt for cheap bargains). Once again, I emphasize, we have not commented on our own posts to feign my growing reputation.

Do not walk alone after dusk. I am out for your blood.

To be continued.. (自己讲,自己爽)


Those who are avid followers of TVB drama serials, the picture above will definitely sound a bell to you. But you might not even know his surname. Yes, as the title of this post suggests, he is none other than 駱應鈞(阿駱).

阿駱 first caught my attention when he appeared as a policeman in 壹號皇庭 during the early 1990s. Although his character is more of a comical relief, his charismatic eyes won him many followers.

Throughout the years, whenever I switch on my TV for TVB drama serials, I would keep a look out for his 身影. Sadly, 駱應鈞 has been stereotyped to play certain roles, such as an advisor to the young boss, a comical lawyer/police or some underworld chief. I am appealing to TVB to give him a chance to be the leading man, as I think he is more than capable of doing a good job.

阿駱, I will always support you!

P.S: My Co-Writer will be back in around 2 hours' time, and he has promised that he will write about his trip, so remember to come back again in a few day's time. Cheers!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Bendemeer Bus Stop

About one and a half weeks into my secondary school career, the class monitor (whom I did not think highly of then, and yes, even now) walked over to me and asked me whether I was taking bus at the same bus stop as him along Bendemeer Road. I answered in a highly civilised manner to him that I did see him at that bus stop and he proceeded on to invite me for a walk to the same bus stop after school. I was only a 13 year old boy then, and in my heart, I thought I hav found myself a good friend, or at least, someone who shared the same habit of taking bus home from that bus stop. :)

Media Release

Dear Readers,

The writers of Youareben would like to clarify a rumour that has been circulating among our fans these few days that we have resorted to commenting on our own post in order to give an impression that we have a wide fanbase.

This allegation is absolutely untrue. Initially, we did not allow the public from commenting on our postings not because we are afraid of facing criticisms, but we would like to maintain the integrity of our blog. However, after a night long discussion between the writers, it was decided that we would open up the comments function so as to interact with our fans directly. We did not, at any point of time, had the intention of posting comments in order to mislead our readers.

After consulting our legal advisor, we have decided not to take any legal actions against those who started this rumour (though we know who you are) as we do not want to pursue this matter further. However, we would like to appeal to the public not to abuse the comments function, as you may lose the only channel to get in touch with the two of us.

Best Regards,
The Writers of Youareben

Saturday, May 17, 2008


Hiding in the streets of Khao San, Bangkok right now. Many backpackers especially Caucasians fill the streets and drink beer like I drink water. Cambodia is not suitable for me to blend into the crowd. Too tanned. Easy for me to fit in at Khao San coz of the many Koreans and pale Thais.

I hope everything is fine back in Singapore now.

By that, i wish the police has stopped searching for me

I want to return to clear my innocence.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Hi Fans,

My Co-editor has gone into hiding in Cambodia and he will not be back until further notice. As for myself, I am going to Hong Kong for an official visit next Saturday. It is good that I am done with my FYP presentation and therefore, I am rewarding myself with a trip to the Pearl of the Far East.

Let's pray all the people (including the tourists) in Cambodia.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

下一站, 柬埔寨

Saturday, May 10, 2008


i heard this from my sister who saw the entire incident play out on the MRT.

A Caucasian couple was standing next to the doorway, gibbering to themselves. As the train approached a station, a local Chinese guy wearing a T shirt with a swastika (see picture) sign walked towards the MRT door. He was then pushed on the back by the male Caucasian and was chided: 'SHAME ON YOU!'

Not knowing how to react and in his hurry to get off the train, the local guy alighted. The couple was seen smiling, as if they had struck lottery or something. According to an eye witness, an old Singaporean lady approached the couple, asking them to justify why they had done something like that. The Caucasian man explained that the local guy was wearing a Nazi t shirt, and the Nazi had killed almost 60,000 people in the war, including the extermination of the Jews.

"The Nazis killed so many people! SHAME ON HIM!' The Caucasian man retorted in a thick accent.

In reply, the old lady responded non-chalantly: 'This is Singapore, you know? The colonial period is over.' Clearly embarrassed by her reply, they alighted at the next stop.

What does this incident show? Understandably, the Caucasian man was affected by the Nazi logo. To him, a logo was not a logo. It represented something which he hated. But does his emotions warrant a slap on the back and a public outburst on a local guy who appeared as though he had no idea of what was going on? I do not defend the Nazi's act in the war and nor do i agree with their policies, but what the Caucasian guy is doing just pisses the hell out of me. We are no longer a colony, mind you (well at least legally speaking) . We are not the old Malay aristocrats who clamored for the attention of the British officials. Nor are we the China-looking Chinese merchants who championed for British economic favors. I do not think you are superior to us, for you are clearly not for you cannot distinguish a poor chap wearing the T shirt for no reason at all from a pro-Nazi person. How would you feel if you were accused of championing American imperialism for wearing your shirt and jeans in your own country? Yes, we do welcome foreigners and tourists to our country. BUT, DO NOT EVEN THINK THAT WE ARE INFERIOR TO YOU IN ANY WAY. Remember that.

Growing Up Years

If you are reading this, you have survived the ordeal. Well done.

Thursday, May 08, 2008

Chilli Mee

We confirmed last night that we will meeting at 2pm to eat Chilli Mee, but this morning, i received a sms saying meet for kopi instead.

You think I cannot afford Chilli Mee AH?

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

sm liannnnnnnnnnn

TADA! look who's back
has been a crazy period for many,
laptops crashing for no reason,
people falling sick at the wrong time,
working until its wayyyyyyy past bedtime,
losing points in fantasy premier league......
and the list goes on

to all fans out there, here's a little something to brighten up the day. I had a great time stifling my laughter when i found this picture folder "Unclassified" crying out to me in a hidden corner of my laptop. Hope it does the same to you.

So then, here are some highlights.