you reached the park after a long and tedious bus journey, changing into your running kit, locking up your belongings into the locker. Holding on to the little key that holds everything in your life, you commence on your warm ups that involves nothing more than the twisting of your upper torso and a few useless jumping motions. You look around the park, seeing the hordes of teenagers making as much noise as the maniacal dog at Plantation Ave and you sigh in exasperation.
'Here it goes," you utter in a low grunting whisper that resembles nothing more than the voice of the transvestite you saw at Changi village last weekend before treading your way to the joggers' route. You switch on your own trusty ipod and finger your way to your favorite tunes by the hell of a singer from Hongkong whom yours truly is crazy over.
And the run begins.
you meander through the crowd and widen your strides to gain up on the slow ass in front of you. the greasy fumes from the barbecue pits smoke your eyes and your stomach rumbles with the whiff of barbecued food that you have been dying for. you notice the kid (or bugger) in front riding that pesky bicycle blocking your way and you feel like hollering at the top of your voice: "CAN'T YOU SEE THIS IS FOR JOGGERS!?"(translated from *&^%$#$%^&*(*&^%$) But you managed to run around him. after a while,you feel the strain on your thighs and your breath gets quicker and heavier by the second. The cold sea breeze ruffles your hair and soothes the growing pain in your legs. you look up into the bright blue sky covered with clouds of the strangest shapes and you almost thought you saw an almost familiar shape of doraemon hiding somewhere within.
Picking up speed, you finally managed to hit the jetty, running pass all those strange eyes as if you were a martian visiting Istana. Then you notice a pair of eyes staring at you.
"Great eyes, oh my type of face too," you murmured to yourself before turning away to avoid glaring too intensely. As you turn back towards the starting point, something hit you. you begin to appreciate the little things that are happening. the glaring sun turning your skin into a darker tone, the revitalizing breeze that leaves you wanting more, the tiring run that seems to be never-ending, the pesky children whom you would love to call your own, the adorable Golden Retriever that saunters on the walkway as if it owned the place.
then you realize the joy of running makes up for all the lost time on journey.
If you made it through so far, my apologies for my self indulgence but theres nothing more to it than this:
Appreciate the little things in life.
Life is beautiful.
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