It has been an exhilarating journey of fun, sorrow, joy and misery all put together into a unique concoction which is just -- university life. Even though somebody duped me to take a module which I failed miserably, it has all been forgotten (for now). Just make sure you keep watching your back on Sunday in case I lose control and morbidly stab you repeatedly on stage. who can forget the sleepless nights of hanging over in level 6 central library areas, like blood thirsty vampires, leaving for their hideouts at the first sight of sunrise. who can forget the nonsensical stays at the AS7 computer labs just for the sake of 6 dollars an hour. most importantly, the cumbersome 2km walks for cold and hard rock 煎饼 or maggie goreng and the continual process of photocopying books (mind you usually the entire)
To years of a tertiary education in history (and the continual essay churning, discussions and presentations, I bid my sincerest and most heartfelt farewell to you. You will always have a place in my heart and I hope to see you again, sometime, somewhere, somehow.
to all those who had/ will be going for their commencement ceremonies, it has been a pleasure to be on this hell of a rollercoaster ride with you guys. It has been my honour. Congratulations, my friends.
(fake valedictorian speech)
This goes out to a dear friend who made a long trip with his senior to the editor's commencement. It was a blast seeing you guys. Thank you.
PS: have you ever watched Revenge of the Sith? well, if you didn't notice by now, somebody's back. 正所谓,恭敬不如从命,if I don't do it, who will? ( same tone as "if singaporeans dont support S-league, who will?")
What a piece of trash. Have fun for the weekend.
you should have given tt mpp valedictorian your speech. it'd have been much less painful!
exactly! I was msging wee lek how the valedictorian should just die on stage
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