Question: what's worse than watching a popsicle melt in a weather of negative 75 degree celsius?
Answer: Cringing while watching Keanu Reeves' as Klaatu. (note: nope, its not Neo nor John Constantine you saw in the movie but i see the resemblance)
Not for the faint-hearted, TDTESS is a remake of the 1951 science fiction film of the same name. Other than that trashy robot, GORT, the premise is very much different from the original. Keanu Reeves is Klaatu, a cool and suave alien (and whats new) who was sent to assess whether mankind could reverse their own fallings . In other words, to save earth by killing the humans and that means us. Al Gore would have been proud of Klaatu. Jennifer Connelly and Jaden Smith are humans whom Klaatu came to care about during his short stint on earth. He learns to be human while he is around them.
Falling asleep by now? Precisely. My 2 year old niece would have probably been asleep 5 minutes into the movie. For myself, I lasted until the hour. And that is an achievement, mind you. It wasn't just me either. My counterpart felt dreary as well. The premise is as interesting as watching myself in the mirror.
Disappointing film to catch if you are looking for something of a blockbuster. there werent much action either. nor romance. nor plot. well.
Nevertheless, if you are keen, read the premise of the original film. I thought it was waay better and better than the environment intensive messages that the movie tries too hard to preach.
I think the movie should have been named as "the day i stood still outside the theatre wondering why i wasted 2 hours of my life watching this crap of a film" but i think maybe naming my future son Klaatu aint a bad idea.
now, whos keen to have that popsicle?
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