It's a's a plane... No! it's our very own funnyman, Henry Thiaaaa (cue Hui Ge screaming 'AH BUUUUU AHHHH' at the top of his voice).

I have always been a fan of the genre of actors who call themselves comedians. Just to mention some prominent figures that I follow religiously: Charlie (Chaplin, not Cao), Stephen Chow, Adam Sandler, Rowan Atkinson, and many of the members in the Frat Pack. Henry Thia, for his fabulous comedic timing over the years, is slowing climbing my chart of favourite comedians. Who can forget his endearing performances in the now defunct 搞笑行动? Even though his comedic skills have largely remained stagnant over the years, his performances remain sincere and certainly the personification of everything Singaporean.
Understanding again that its downright despicable to repeatedly apply the tribute theme over and over again, I will try my very best to keep my schoolboy admiration for 辉哥 in check. well, at least for the next few minutes while I get my verbal diarrhoea out of the way.

it was a movie that tugged greatly at my heartstrings.
The story revolves around three brothers from a middle-income background in contemporary Singapore. The three brothers, played magnificently by Henry Thia, Mark Lee and Jack Neo (in order of merit), represented the atas, yuppy-wannabe and bo lui lang in Singapore. In the midst of making money in ingenious ways, an underlying theme of family bonds and ties made the movie so much more emotionally grounded as compared to his previous films. The three brothers had to grapple with issues of money (duh) and their Alzheimer's disease-strucked mother. Lai Ming ( usually stereotyped as 尖酸刻薄 mothers or in-laws and bearing an uncanny resemblance to my grandmother) was so convincing that I could not stop tearing whenever she was on-screen.
As much as I tried to act in accordance to the usual social stigma of appearing macho and manly in front of the other gender, the entire theater probably felt their seats trembling with my relentless sniffling and constant effort to wipe off my tears (Much to the disgust of my film kaki ). Peppered with local jokes and gags that laugh at ourselves, I am extremely glad I managed to catch it before its run ended. In general, it was a sincere performance from the cast and a great movie. The last time I heard, its making waves across the Causeway as well. Just make sure you dont watch it with someone whom you fancy lest you make a fool out of yourselves by soaking the cinema floor wet with your tears.
Just a gentle reminder, October 1st and 27th are public holidays. To fans who have stayed with us all this while, have a great and healthy week ahead. It has been a pleasure for the weekend. Till the next weekend, while I try to perfect my own rendition of 辉哥's routine grimace in the mirror.
-Your insane editor-
*sings* 我的心 铁打的心...
/ chen han wei and li nan xing jumps out from the train onto the slope
i like my hairstyle and nam seng's constipated look when i shot him
/grab chest and fan bai yan
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