Those who are avid followers of TVB drama serials, the picture above will definitely sound a bell to you. But you might not even know his surname. Yes, as the title of this post suggests, he is none other than 駱應鈞(阿駱).
阿駱 first caught my attention when he appeared as a policeman in 壹號皇庭 during the early 1990s. Although his character is more of a comical relief, his charismatic eyes won him many followers.
Throughout the years, whenever I switch on my TV for TVB drama serials, I would keep a look out for his 身影. Sadly, 駱應鈞 has been stereotyped to play certain roles, such as an advisor to the young boss, a comical lawyer/police or some underworld chief. I am appealing to TVB to give him a chance to be the leading man, as I think he is more than capable of doing a good job.
阿駱, I will always support you!
P.S: My Co-Writer will be back in around 2 hours' time, and he has promised that he will write about his trip, so remember to come back again in a few day's time. Cheers!
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