As I remembered, the greatest man (or woman, some may dispute) on earth passed away five years and three hundred and sixty-four days ago. He leapt from the 24th storey of a particular hotel in Hong Kong while suffering from depression. The suicide note, as many of you already know by now, has been used by the editors many many times in their everyday life to encourage and spur each other on through daily challenges. But let's not dwell into that today.
It is amazing that words and actions have so much power. People will always remember what we said and did in our lives long after the picture fades into nothing. Personally, I remembered my ex-principal from middle school as the saviour who saved us from boring lessons by declaring half days after half days after half days whenever he deemed fit. And its kind of sad considering the good job he had done before he was ousted from the hot seat. The loveliest man in 2003 who plunged his way into the abyss is still remembered as the person who mesmerised millions of women (and men) through his sensual dance moves and tantalising roles in films that shocked the film industry.
The more important question : How would YOU like to be remembered?
Believe it or not, everyone impacts someone else everyday. When you open a door for a person whose hands are full, you just impacted that person. Through that little act of kindness, you expressed, "You are important enough for me to take time out to make your load a little easier. The key to immortality is to live a life worth remembering.
I for one, would like to be remembered as the man that I thought myself to be and hope others perceived me in the same way. I want to be remembered as a true human unaffected by the trials brought forth by the constantly grinding society, a true friend and a loving son and brother to the people around me. Most importantly, I want to be someone who has touched my dear readers (no, not literally but metaphorically).
I challenge you to take the next 3 minutes and think of how you want to be remembered. Rich and famous perhaps? Artistic bum? World's greatest friend (yes, a dog)? I leave this thought with you while we count down to the fateful day six years ago.
It is never too late to start taking steps. Bless you all.