Sunday, November 30, 2008
Tribute to HK cinema II
Fans Get-Together Session
YouareBen organised the first Fans Get-Together Session at KLP on Saturday, 29/11/08. The event was actively participated by its fanbase and besides the Karaoke session, the fans were treated to a feast by the co-editors. One lucky fan was chosen to attend the Lee's Guitar Concert with one of the Co-editors at the Singapore Indoor Stadium after the dinner.
The Co-editors would like to take this opportunity to thank all their fans and they promised that they will continue to generate quality articles and they will definitely organise more gatherings for the welfare of their supporters. Watch out for the Cenntinal Posts Bash soon!
The Co-editors would like to take this opportunity to thank all their fans and they promised that they will continue to generate quality articles and they will definitely organise more gatherings for the welfare of their supporters. Watch out for the Cenntinal Posts Bash soon!
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Self-Discovery or Dissection by Others?
I would like to start off by asking one question : How many of you actually wanted to be a coroner when you are young? I bet it is definitely not a popular choice as a childhood ambition. However, some of us do like to dissect people; not physically of course, but through analysing other people's behavior and actions to derive their characters.
My second question is : How many of you dreamt to become a narcissist? I guess not many of you put up your hands either. But though looking at yourself in front of a mirror doesn't sound like a proper job, we do go through a series of self discoveries throughout our life time in order to get to know ourselves better.
So what amazes you more? Discovering youself or letting other to dissect you? I think both options are equally amazing. Although most of us can control our own minds, but sometimes we don't really know why we behave in certain manners until we sit down and reflect on our actions and behaviour. And if we are lucky, we will get an insight on what kind of person we are exactly. But the sad thing is, we often so not practice self-discovery. We are who we are because we think we should be who we are. But is it really what we think? Or is it some assumptions that we gave ourselves?
On the other hand, if we do let others dissect us, we might be surprised with the inputs that others give. For example, I recently found out that I am categorised under a specie which has a unique characteristic called 嘴贱 after I was dissected by someone. In all my years in trying to discover myself, I have never come across this term before(at least my brain did not tell me so). However, it was a relevation to me once I know the term's meaning. I am indeed a 嘴贱 person.
Of course, not everyone is good at dissecting people. Some people are purely crap in their thesis on the relationship between one's behaviour and characteristics and I would advice you to stay away from them to prevent yourself in becoming depressed. It is always good to take some time off to so some self-reflections so that you will actually know yourself better than other people do (that is suppose to be the way).
So do you prefer parading yourself in front of the mirror or to lie on the operating table?
Thank you X.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
the year in review

If you could bend time-space continuum and travel through time like Hiro Nakamura from Heroes; or supposing you had in possession a ultimate time travelling mumbo jumbo vehicle like Marty and Doc from the Back to the Future series, what would you tell yourself who was living one year ago from now? Better still, what advice would you give to him/her?
2009 is just around the corner. I swear it was just yesterday when i was shouting 'banzai' to everyone at a particular party and griefing over MC's demise. Barely a year on, the world has changed. Firstly and most importantly, the editors have decided to come clean and let out all the skeletons in the closet (take a deep breath, editor) ... well, let's just say it hasnt been easy all these years holding it up and putting up false fronts as eligible bachelors ( return me my house dvds or i will expose our r/s).
But seriously, the past year has not been easy for many. Natural disasters around the world have taken lives and properties away like how i snatch candies from the little kindergarten kids who live around my neighbourhood. Remember the tears you shed when you watched self sacrificing parents who risked all they had to save their children from the earthquake in Wenchuan? Remember how you cursed and sweared when the leaders refused to accept international aid after Nargis revealed its devilish face? When the going gets tough, put yourself in their shoes and i assure you, life would be smooth sailing. i urge you, never forget how they feel when they lose everything ( and i mean EVERYTHING) they have ever hoped for in their lives.
and now the economic crisis is taking its toil on the entire world, who can be spared from its destructive claws ? (well maybe the people from Bhutan and i mean it in a good way just in case of backlash from my Bhutan fans) Let's just pray that all the bailouts will go smoothly and confidence will gradually grow.
let's just take a moment and think of all the poor souls who have suffered one way or another in this hell of a year. (detractors please, stop saying its just life, i will pull your head apart)
lest you think your editor has swallowed two pailful of depressants and is thinking of following the path of his most respected Chinese artiste, Mr Leslie Cheung (no, its not hui ge), here are some silver linings for himself.
not that i can think of any at this particular point in time. but does having this wonderful blog with colorful pictures of weird people and artistes count? oh boy.
at least 2 apparently imbecile 'leaders of the world' are going to/already gone.
before i end off, here's a song from John and here's wishing all fans around the world a truly merry christmas, and a happy new year. Let's hope the 'war' will end soon.
2009 is just around the corner. I swear it was just yesterday when i was shouting 'banzai' to everyone at a particular party and griefing over MC's demise. Barely a year on, the world has changed. Firstly and most importantly, the editors have decided to come clean and let out all the skeletons in the closet (take a deep breath, editor) ... well, let's just say it hasnt been easy all these years holding it up and putting up false fronts as eligible bachelors ( return me my house dvds or i will expose our r/s).
But seriously, the past year has not been easy for many. Natural disasters around the world have taken lives and properties away like how i snatch candies from the little kindergarten kids who live around my neighbourhood. Remember the tears you shed when you watched self sacrificing parents who risked all they had to save their children from the earthquake in Wenchuan? Remember how you cursed and sweared when the leaders refused to accept international aid after Nargis revealed its devilish face? When the going gets tough, put yourself in their shoes and i assure you, life would be smooth sailing. i urge you, never forget how they feel when they lose everything ( and i mean EVERYTHING) they have ever hoped for in their lives.
and now the economic crisis is taking its toil on the entire world, who can be spared from its destructive claws ? (well maybe the people from Bhutan and i mean it in a good way just in case of backlash from my Bhutan fans) Let's just pray that all the bailouts will go smoothly and confidence will gradually grow.
let's just take a moment and think of all the poor souls who have suffered one way or another in this hell of a year. (detractors please, stop saying its just life, i will pull your head apart)
lest you think your editor has swallowed two pailful of depressants and is thinking of following the path of his most respected Chinese artiste, Mr Leslie Cheung (no, its not hui ge), here are some silver linings for himself.
not that i can think of any at this particular point in time. but does having this wonderful blog with colorful pictures of weird people and artistes count? oh boy.
at least 2 apparently imbecile 'leaders of the world' are going to/already gone.
before i end off, here's a song from John and here's wishing all fans around the world a truly merry christmas, and a happy new year. Let's hope the 'war' will end soon.
So this is Xmas
And what have you done
Another year over
And a new one just begun
And so this is Xmas
I hope you have fun
The near and the dear one
The old and the young
A very Merry Xmas
And a happy New Year
Let's hope it's a good one
Without any fear
And what have you done
Another year over
And a new one just begun
And so this is Xmas
I hope you have fun
The near and the dear one
The old and the young
A very Merry Xmas
And a happy New Year
Let's hope it's a good one
Without any fear
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
The Case for Youareben
I have been asked many times by my friends why did I choose to start a blog with someone who does not see eye to eye with me on most issues. These people were worried that our friendship might be further in doubt as we write articles with extrem polarity. Well, all these worries were definitely unfounded, and I shall take this opportunity to explain why Youareben is worth a read despite the difference in styles of the two editors.
We first met in 1996 and were bus stop buddies for almost four years. The friendship developed was long lasting, and even though we went to different JCs to pursue our high school education, we still kept in contact. However, I was astonished when I was not informed of my co-editor's mobile number change in 2002 and I only found out that he had done so when I tried to call him to wish him luck for his JCC in Brunei. Nonetheless, we hit it off again before we enrol in NUS and became the best of friends again.
During our college days, we often have heated discussion on almost every topic, from love clubs, elections, entertainment, KTV, to soccer, FM, and topics you wouldn't want to know. It is amazing that we were able to keep our cool after all the insults thrown to each other.
In early 2007, the idea of starting a blog to document out thought was mooted. We saw it as an avenue for us to vent our anger in the virtual world, something that we do not have the balls to do so in the real world, surely. Unfortunately, the blog degenerated into a Youtube affilate and was inactive for almost a year, until late 2007, when we decided to make a comeback. The rest, as they always say, is history.
Youareben has provided an alternative style to the overly crowed and contaminated blogosphere. Our promise to all of you is, as long as our laptops are working, we will pump in our thoughts at least once every month, and it will never, ever become a Youtube affilate again.
We first met in 1996 and were bus stop buddies for almost four years. The friendship developed was long lasting, and even though we went to different JCs to pursue our high school education, we still kept in contact. However, I was astonished when I was not informed of my co-editor's mobile number change in 2002 and I only found out that he had done so when I tried to call him to wish him luck for his JCC in Brunei. Nonetheless, we hit it off again before we enrol in NUS and became the best of friends again.
During our college days, we often have heated discussion on almost every topic, from love clubs, elections, entertainment, KTV, to soccer, FM, and topics you wouldn't want to know. It is amazing that we were able to keep our cool after all the insults thrown to each other.
In early 2007, the idea of starting a blog to document out thought was mooted. We saw it as an avenue for us to vent our anger in the virtual world, something that we do not have the balls to do so in the real world, surely. Unfortunately, the blog degenerated into a Youtube affilate and was inactive for almost a year, until late 2007, when we decided to make a comeback. The rest, as they always say, is history.
Youareben has provided an alternative style to the overly crowed and contaminated blogosphere. Our promise to all of you is, as long as our laptops are working, we will pump in our thoughts at least once every month, and it will never, ever become a Youtube affilate again.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Who's your Daddy?
Hi Fans,
I shall begin this post with a warm hug to everyone (jia ds). Well, 2 weeks has passed since my previous post and I want to let all of you know that I miss all you people dearly. Apart from all the fun that I had for the past fortnight, I also enjoyed staying away from the torment of writing for this blog....
Jokes aside, I would like to congratulate Senator Barack Obama on winning the US Presidential Election and I am sure that he will be a better president than John McCain.
I shall begin this post with a warm hug to everyone (jia ds). Well, 2 weeks has passed since my previous post and I want to let all of you know that I miss all you people dearly. Apart from all the fun that I had for the past fortnight, I also enjoyed staying away from the torment of writing for this blog....
Jokes aside, I would like to congratulate Senator Barack Obama on winning the US Presidential Election and I am sure that he will be a better president than John McCain.
Sunday, November 09, 2008
Here's a better name: Wing and Paul Mini Solo Concert Live 2008

Apart from the die hards, who in the right mind would spend $46 (Sing Dollars mind you) on a Beyond Next Stage T- shirt made from cotton? ( heard mayday sold theirs for $18)
Well, I would. Nah, I'm not that crazy. Money can be better spent elsewhere. like .....herm thats for another day.
Anyway, lesson learnt. Never go for a concert with a bagload of expectations. It would turn out disappointing any. I am giving my rating from the start this time round. Beyond Next Stage Live 2008 (starring Paul and Wing) scored a..................................... heartwrenching and frustrating 5 out of a possible 10.
Why it went well (5):
1. Performing classic songs like Wo Shi Fen Nu, Bu Zai You Yu, Hai Kuo Tian Kong and Hui Se Gui Ji ( and especially Jin Shu Kuang Ren and Zhen De Ai Ni);
2. Great performance from Wing's drummer from Japan (Frankie) who looked like he was on marijuana everytime he went solo with the drum set;
3. Fans singing along with the classics and shouting together at the right moments. (FAN ORK KEI FAN GAO LA!) [translated as 'eh go home and sleep la, u suck'];
4. Hearing a man old enough to be my dad shout 'KWONG FAI SOI YUET!' about 7 times whenever Wing and Paul ask for dedication and requests from the audience;
5. Seeing Paul in action live for the first time (roughly about the size of an adult lizard from where we were seated).
Why it was terok (5):
1. Singing in mandarin - I cringed in disgust everytime they did (overheard in audience: WHY SING DAI DEI IN MANDARIN!);
2. Bulk of the concert was made up of solo performances rather than the two performing together (bluff people money leh);
3. Performing songs from their solo albums rather than the familiar ones by Beyond that we have grown so attached to;
4. Getting cut out of pictures unintentionally (or intentionally ) and being branded as 'Passerby A';
5. Not allowed to bring in lens, and being taken as a fool by security personnel.
Maybe Leong Boon Hock (Liang Wen Fu ) could engage the audience better. Looking forward to the next concert on 29 Nov. Till then.
PS: My fellow editor will be flying in straight from Taiwan within the next two days. Special bulletin and exclusive interview from the horse's mouth to follow.
Monday, November 03, 2008
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