Monday, June 30, 2008


Disclaimer: Geek alert!

This is the first time I have attended such a convention / exhibition. According to a friend, this is the first time something like that had been organized. It was also the first time i attempted to comb my hair the other way. Wah, so many firsts (yah right). Obviously, a Toy and Comic Convention is all about toys and comics. ah but theres something more.

A walk down memory aisle. Ok, its more like a walk in a room full of overweight chimpanzees as you attempt to slither through the crowd with a bagload of equipments. Suddenly you realize the extra burger you chomped down before Spain vs Russia at an unearthly hour has returned to haunt you around the waist.

But I digress. all of a sudden, my childhood memories just came crashing back into me like a harebrained ... errr ... no not hare, but like the dotty mynah that hit my window headlong last week. I saw Mario prancing around, hitting the rock- hard blocks with his head in the Supermario gamebooks I used to wolf down. I witnessed how 老夫子 hit on 陈小姐 to marry him in the comic strips while waiting for the friendly, neighbourhood Indian barber to style/ pulverize my hair (depends on how you see it). I remembered feeling so down when I realized that Superman was dead and cursed afterwards when I knew he was going to return as four separate identities to cheat a primary 6 kid of his pocket money. And the trashy mangas, and the ugly as hell sketches of anime characters, and the old movie posters of black and white movies.

the list just goes on. Gratifying experience indeed.

Apart from the pushy Singaporeans, literally and the queues that go on and on for the free gifts, it was a nice place to spend a few hours on a weekend just to feel the dynamism of the large numbers of kids/teenagers.

Just dont be caught laughing at other people's horrible costumes lest their parents might be nearby, listening to your comments and feeling 痛心. How I wish I could have a mask like the contestants to cover my face then.

Your favorite editor, (since the other has pulled out)

Saturday, June 28, 2008

same shit, different day

Sunday, June 22, 2008

New skin, new direction

Hi fans,

Due to popular demand, we have finally given in to the hardcore requests by our dearest fans to change the skin of the blog.

This move is to create a more conducive environment for our fans to indulge in our posts.

to all fans out there who are starting work again tomorrow, good luck and good week ahead

Yours sincerely,
Editors of youareben

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Art beyond my understanding?

As a self proclaimed fan of the arts scene (who has yet to attend any related events ever), I trotted down to Drama Center at National Library with a fellow newbie for the premiere of 'Temple', a production by Cake Theatrical Productions. Helmed by Natalie Hennedige, it is a story of seven individuals seeking santuary within a so called temple, away from a world amassed with destruction and terror. Behind the doors, allegiance and relationships are forgotten as they deal with prospective evil seeping through the seven doors which gradually poisons each of the characters when the door is found to be open one day. Following that, the sanctity of the Temple is ruined when murder, corruption and unbridled evil manifests through the actions of the individuals.

Sad to say, as an interested newbie, this was a production which I truly could not appreciate. Brought up by a staple of corny hk dramas and hollywood films, Temple performed at another level of art, beyond what I could appreciate. By the first hour, I had no idea what was going on and what the dialogue represented. Ditto my partner. I had the urge to walk out of the theatre, but nevertheless stayed on in the hope that I would eventually be enlightened by what was on display. One example stood in mind: a video montage was shown with several characters participating in a race at the National Stadium while one of the character was singing a song. Frankly, I had absolutely no idea what that signified. I guess it is a long way before i could proclaim myself a supporter of the local arts scene.

Nevertheless, there were several instances which brought laughter, the cast was wonderful, the dramatic moments that popped up, the Malay and Mandarin speaking characters and especially when the applauses came with the end of the show. With all due respect, I speak from a perspective of the uninitiated who happened to take interest in the premise of the production but simply could not appreciate the performance on display. Simply said, for the uncouth and uncultured like me, this production is not suitable for you.

Boy was I in for a surprise.

In fact, as I recall, the best part of the evening came when I visited Ya Kun after the show where I sank my teeth into the toast, guzzled down my coffee and was almost chased out of the store as they were closing for the night. To quote my confidant for the night, "以后你请我去,我也不会去". (correct me if I am wrong) I felt the same too. No great loss.

And that just summed up my maiden experience in the Singapore Arts Festival 2008.


PS: read below for an entry by our guest writer on his brief encounter with a local artiste

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Hi fans,

Great to be back after a 2.5 weeks' absence. Have been busy with work and I simply have no time to update the blog (for my part, at least). Yes, i am still as computerless and I am now writing this piece of article with my girlfriend's laptop.

As promised earlier, I am uploading the pictures that were taken during my HK trip. Hope you guys enjoy the photos and hopefully, you will be making the Pearl of the East you next destination.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


通过热线,警方每天接约185通求救电话。其中180通都关于打抢, 谋杀, 强奸和绑票等。而剩余的5通都是这是这样开始的:“我家好像有些不妥,你能派人过来看个究竟吗?

从英姿飒爽的陈浩南(古惑仔)到江湖味十足的九纹龙(九龙冰室),郑伊健最能胜任的终究是颓废,忧郁却又带点神秘感的失意男。只可惜,长江后浪推前浪,主帅的位置落在帅气十足的余文乐身上。 在第一诫里,郑伊健饰演的黄警官是个负责“杂物”,并且酗酒的老牌警官。在新干探李警卫(余文乐饰) 的加入下,曲折离奇的时件接踵而来,其中还牵扯了黄前妻与李女友。故事虽然简单,不过胜在剧情紧凑,高潮自然是高潮(没别的含义), 是部不拘不扣的警匪恐怖片。恐怖的成份虽然不多, 剧里一些恶心的画面却是如此的令人作呕。尤其是电影的最后一幕必将带来一些意外的“惊喜”。。。

虽然是部国片,拍摄的水准可算是不错的。如果看腻了梁导本土味十足的电影而相换换口味,第一诫也不妨是个好选择。当然, 以一个标准的Ekin迷,他的表现还算可圈可点,只可惜表情犹如十年前,一成不变。真希望他能突破自己,找回以往的辉煌时代。别再跟女友瞎搞下去,别再沉迷PS3吧!老友,再次涌吧!

这部电影绝对值得一看,不妨一试,可能还会有出乎意料的收获 。:)


Sunday, June 08, 2008


Fans of this blog will remember that it wasn't that long ago before a post was written to compliment a 甘草 actor. Editors of this blog recognize that repeating a blog theme is cheap, unethical and disgraceful and hence, contrary to the first impression created, this post is not intended to pay tribute to the above character. Rather, it is just to re-enact an incident that happened some weeks ago, an incident that left the editor disillusioned at that time and still heart-wrenchingly disappointed today.

Those of you who are alive will be aware of the disaster in China by now. For those who are not interested in this "interesting event", Shame On You!(Slaps back). Anyway, it all happened on that fateful night when MediaCorp did the fundraising show for the disaster. The editor, like many other Singaporeans, was deeply touched by the event and duly wanted to donate a hundred dollars for the cause. Unfortunately and not too suprisingly, the phonelines were jammed for a good half an hour or so before the editor finally gave up and decided to call the "special hotline for donations above $50"...

"Ring..Ring...Ring" (My thoughts: Aha, finally.)

Bing: "Hello."

Me :"Hello."

(Silence for 2-3seconds)

Bing:"You want to donate?"

Thoughts: "Meeeyou...(for the uninitiated, it means NO SHIT)."

Me (politely): "Yah."

Bing:"How marsh you want to donate "

Me: "one hundred."

(Silence for another 2 seconds)

Bing(dulan-ly): "Can you call fifty....arghhh nvm. What is your name...?" (proceeds to take down particulars and gave instructions impatiently).

Kenneth:"Thats all?"

Bing: "Yeah, thanks you ah." (Hangs up)


To be Continued...

Wednesday, June 04, 2008


年少時候 誰沒有夢 無意之中 你將心願透露
就在你生日的時候 我將小小口琴送 ( only bought 2 miserable T- shirts)
最難忘記 你的笑容 (from 2i class photo)

友情的細水慢慢流 流進了你我的心中
曾在球場邊為你歡呼 (hockey) 你跌傷我揹負
夜裡流星飛渡 想象著他日的路途

年少時候 誰沒有愁 滿腔憤概 唯有你能聽得懂 (Long House)
每當我失意的時候 你將那首歌吹奏 ( si qiu de bu gao)
琴聲悠悠 解我輕懮

歲月的細水滿滿流 流到了別離的時候
輕拍你的肩 聽我說朋友不要太惆悵 (stay in now)
霓虹縱然再囂張 我們的步履有方向
成敗不論切莫將昔日遺忘 (battery project)

多年以後 又再相逢 我們都有了疲倦的笑容 (tired of each other)
問一聲我的朋友 何時再為我吹(奏)
是否依舊 是否依舊

人生的際遇千百種 但有知心長相重 ( your new friend in camp)
人願長久 水願長流 年少時候